Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Loacal and National Level Education Blogs for Review and Discussion

The following list is a sampling of blogs that detail reform movements in education at both the local and national level. Please use this list as a starting point for your own examination of the national conversation about educational reform.

edutopia blog on innovation in education

edutopia blog on school reform

Post-Katrina New Orleans blog with a significant section devoted to public education

Diane Ravitch's Education Week Blog

NYU social entrepreneurship blog

            Social Innovation blog from the Stanford Social Innvoation Review

            Education section of the Times-Picayune on-line edition

            National Public Radio on-live coverage of education

           Former Tulane student Kirsten Hill's Blog from the U of Pennsylvania Graduate School

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tulane Student Involvement in Social Innovation in Education at Banneker Elementary and Middle School

Tulane students in EDLA 2000 “Education in A Diverse Society” class are grateful for another semester of service-learning with Banneker teachers and students! During the spring semester of 2011, we were able to accomplish a lot in partnership with the Banneker community. In addition to providing one-on-one tutoring and classroom assistance, three groups of students gained funding for ongoing projects at Banneker. These groups include a middle school literacy tutoring group, a special education “inclusion buddies” program, and a theater program. These students join the chorus support and disk golf projects started last semester. Also, EDLA professors Carol Whelan and Gary Scavo, Engaged Learning Fellow Laura White,  and Public Service Fellow Sam Tabory began meeting monthly with Ms. Branche, Sister Noel, Ms. Lemle, Ms. Gould, Ms. Eugene, and Ms. Nance. We are looking for teachers to join these collaborative meetings; please email cwhelan@tulane.edu if you are interested.

Below is a list of projects and the names and email addresses of the students leading them. Feel free to contact them if you are interested in supporting any of these projects.

Banneker-Tulane Projects:
Current Projects:
Threw Dat Disc Golf: Started by Zach Shraberg (zshraber@tulane.edu) and Banneker Coaches Smith and Foster, Threw Dat Disc Golf brings the sport of disc golf to Banneker students. Read about Threw Dat at: http://tulane.edu/news/newwave/042111_fitness.cfm

Banneker-Tulane Choir Collaboration: Started by Jason Winikoff (jwinikof@tulane.edu) and music teacher Ms. Holmes, the Choir Collaboration supports the Banneker choir’s efforts with Tulane student volunteer support.

Projects Beginning Fall 2011:

Inclusion Buddies: Started by Colette Bolton (cbolton@tulane.edu)  and Meredith Massey (mmassey@tulane.edu) , inclusion buddies pairs Tulane students with special education students in inclusion classrooms. 

Ladder to the Sky Literacy Program: Started by Hope Barnard (hbarnard@tulane.edu) , Ellye Birnbrey (ebirnbre@tulane.edu), and Yvonne Payne (ypayne@tulane.edu) ,  Ladder to the Sky Literacy Program provides literacy tutoring to middle school students.

NO Limits Community Theater: Started by Joe Eichner (jeichner@tulane.edu), NO Limits Community Theater connects Tulane’s Theater program and the school to provide opportunities for theater activities with middle school students interested in theater.

Learn more about Social Innovation at Tulane by going to Tulane's Social Entrepreneurship website.